Researcher Identity Development

Garcia-Morante, M., Weise, C., Diaz Villalba, L.K. and Castelló, M. (2024). Strengths and weaknesses of PhD training to develop alternative careers. Insights from PhD holders working beyond academia", Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/SGPE-12-2023-0115
Garcia-Morante, M., Castelló, M., & Sala-Bubaré, A. (2024). PhD holders at the boundaries and knowledge brokering. Studies in Continuing Education, 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2024.2358007
Rönkkönen, S., Virtanen, V., García-Morante, M., McAlpine, L., Castelló, M., & Pyhältö, K. (2024). STEM PhD holders working outside academia: the role of social support in career transition. European Journal of Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2024.2404683
Sala-Bubaré, A., Garcia-Morante, M., Castelló, M., & Weise, C. (2024). PhD holders’ working conditions and job satisfaction in Spain: a cross-sector comparison. Higher Education Research & Development, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2024.2347611
Castelló, M., García-Morante, M., Díaz, L., Sala-Bubaré, A. & Weise, C. (2023) Doctoral trends development in Spain: From academic to professional paths. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60:5, 736-747, doi: 10.1080/14703297.2023.2237958
Castelló, M. (2023). Situated Regulation Writing Processes in Research Writing. Lessons from Research and Teaching. In Paul M. Rogers, David R. Russell, Paula Carlino, and Jonathan M. Marine (Ch4; 101-121). Writing as a Human Activity: Implications and Applications of the Work of Charles Bazerman. WAC. Clearinghouse. Colorado State University Press. https://doi.org/10.37514/PER-B.2023.1800.2.04 [BOOK CHAPTER]
Castelló, M., Kruse, O., Rapp, C., & Sharples, M. (2023). Synchronous and Asynchronous Collaborative Writing. In Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education: Theory, Research, and Practice (pp. 121-139). Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36033-6_8 [BOOK CHAPTER]
Castelló, M. & Sala-Bubaré, A. (2023). Research writing as a tool for doctoral students and early career researchers’ development. In R. Horowitz (ed.). Handbook on Writing. Routledge (pp. 366-378). Routledge. http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9780429437991-29
Corcelles-Seuba, M., Suñe-Soler, N., Sala-Bubaré, A. & Castelló, M. (2023) Doctoral student perceptions of supervisory and research community support: their relationships with doctoral conditions and experiences. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 47:4, 481-491, doi: 10.1080/0309877X.2022.2142102
Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2023). Exploring writing processes in authentic writing tasks: A multimodal mixed-method approach. Journal of Second Language Writing, 61, Article 101038. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2023.101038
Sala-Bubaré, A., Castelló, M., Corcelles, M., & Suñé-Soler, N. (2023). Researchers' strategies to cope with the covid-19 impact on their activity. Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 1–9. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12144-023-04601-5
Sala-Bubaré, A., Garcia-Morante, M., Castelló, M., & Weise, C. (2023, preprint). PhD holders’ working conditions and job satisfaction in Spain: A cross-sector comparison. PREPRINT available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2566196/v1]
Castelló, M. (2022). Escritura e identidad en contextos de investigación [Writing and Identity in Research Contexts]. Literatura y Lingüística, 46, 29-59, doi: 10.29344/0717621x.46.3157
Castelló, M. (2022). Research Writing, What Do We Know and How to Move Forward. In M. Gustafsson and A. Eriksson (eds.). Academic writing at intersections – Interdisciplinarity, genre hybridization, multilingualism, digitalization, and interculturality (EATAW). WAC: Clearinghouse. 55. [BOOK CHAPTER]
Castelló, M. (2022). Situated regulation writing processes in research writing. Lessons from research and teaching. Essays in honor of Charles Bazerman. WAC Clearinghouse 56.
Castelló, M & Castells, N. (2022). Escribir en la Universidad española: entre la realidad y el deseo. Ediciones Octaedro. [BOOK]
Castelló, M., Corcelles-Seuba, M. & Oliva Girbau, A. (2022). Identidad y voz en la escritura académica y científica. In M. Castelló & N. Castells (coords), Escribir en la Universidad española: entre la realidad y el deseo. Ediciones Octaedro. [BOOK CHAPTER]
Lokhtina, I.A., Castelló, M., Lambrechts, A.A., Löfström, E., McGinn, M.K., Skakni, I. & van der Weijden, I. (2022), "The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on early career researcher activity, development, career, and well-being: the state of the art", Studies in Graduate and Postdoctoral Education, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 245-265. doi: 10.1108/SGPE-10-2021-0076
Lokhtina, I.A., Colombo, L., Amelia, C., Löfström, E., Tammeleht, A., Sala-Bubare, A., Jazvac-Martek, M., Castelló, M. & McAlpine, L. (2022), "Refining virtual cross-national research collaboration: drivers, affordances and constraints", Journal of Work-Applied Management, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 302-315. doi: 10.1108/JWAM-02-2022-0010
Sala-Bubaré, A., Corcelles, M., Suñé-Soler, N., & Castelló, M. (2022). Researchers’ perceptions of COVID-19 impact on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)-based practices and society’s view of science in the first months of the pandemic. Tuning Journal for Higher Education, 10(1), 241-262. doi: 10.18543/tjhe.2324
Aguayo, M. & Weise, C. (2021). Career transition and identity development of nursing academic: A qualitative study. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, pp.1-19. doi:10.1080/10720537.2021.1936711.
Castelló, M. (2021). Escribir (leer) e investigar: voces en diálogo [Writing (Reading) and Research: voices in dialog]. In Daniella Rodrigues and Jane Quintiliano (Comps.). Discursive Practices in Academic Writing: issues under study. PUC: Minas [BOOK CHAPTER]
Castelló, M. & Pujadas (2021). Spain. In Taylor, S., Kiley, M., & Holley, K. A. (Eds.). The Making of Doctoral Supervisors: International Case Studies of Practice. Routledge. 53. [BOOK CHAPTER]
Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Pardo, M. (2021). Post-PhD researchers’ trajectories and networking: The mediating role of writing conceptions. Written Communication, 38, pp. 479-511. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177%2F07410883211027949.
McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., & Inouye, K. (2021). PhD careers beyond the traditional: integrating individual and structural factors for a richer account. European Journal of Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2020.1870242
McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., Sala-Bubaré, A., Weise, C., & Inouye, K. (2021). Examining cross-national research teamwork: Revealing rewards and challenges. Qualitative Research Journal.
Skakni, I., Inouye, K., & McAlpine, L. (2021). PhD holders entering non-academic workplaces: Organisational culture shock. Studies in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2021.1876650
Castelló, M., McAlpine, L., Sala-Bubaré, A., Inouye, K., & Skakni, I. (2020). What perspectives underlie ‘researcher identity’? A review of two decades of empirical studies. Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s10734-020-00557-8
Giralt-Romeu, M., Liesa, E., & Castelló, M. (2020). I research, you research: do future teachers consider themselves researchers? Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 1-37. DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2020.1759001
Lohktina, I., Löfström, E., Cornér, S., & Castelló, M. (2020). In pursuit of sustainable co-authorship practices in doctoral supervision: Addressing the challenges of writing, authorial identity and integrity. Innovations in Education and Teaching International. DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2020.1799839
McAlpine, L. (2020). Success? Learning to Navigate the Grant Funding Genre System. Journal of Research Administration, 51(1), 10-31.
McAlpine, L., Castelló, M., & Pyhältö, K. (2020). What influences PhD graduate trajectories during the degree: A research-based policy agenda. Higher Education. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10734-019-00448-7
McAlpine, L., Skakni, I., & Pyhältö, K. (2020). PhD experience (and progress) is more than work: life-work relations and reducing exhaustion (and cynicism). Studies in Higher Education, 1-15.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Skakni, I., Inouye, K., Weise, C., & McAlpine, L. (2020). Early career researchers making sense of their research experiences: A cross-role and cross-national analysis. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. doi:10.1080/03057925.2020.1834349
Tammeleht, A., Rodríguez-Triana, M.J., Koort, K., Löfström, E. (2020). Scaffolding collaborative case-based learning in research ethics training. Journal of Academic Ethics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10805-020-09378-x
Weise, C., Aguayo–González, M. & Castelló, M. (2020). Significant events and the role of emotion along doctoral researcher personal trajectories. Educational Research. DOI: 10.1080/00131881.2020.1794924
Cano, M., Castelló, M., & Leitão, S. (2019). The impact of learning goals on argumentative discourse: strategies, sequences and interaction patterns. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 17(2), 317-334.
Cerrato, M., Castelló, M. & Lonka K. (2019). A picture of the research field of doctoral education from the perspective of students: studies using questionnaires and scales. In Clarà M. & (eds.). Traversing the doctorate (pp. 75-89). Palgrave Macmillan.
Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Liesa, E., González-Ocampo, G., & Castelló, M. (2019). Positive and negative experiences related to doctoral study conditions. Higher Education Research & Development, 38 (5), 922-939.
González-Ocampo, G. & Castelló, M. (2019). A Decade of Research on Advising, Supervision and Mentoring: Trends, Contributions And Prospectives. In Clarà M. & (eds.). Traversing the doctorate (pp. 117-141). Palgrave Macmillan.
González-Ocampo, G., & Castelló, M. (2019). Supervisors were first students: Analysing supervisors’ perceptions as doctoral students versus doctoral supervisors. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 56(6), 711-725. DOI: 10.1080/14703297.2018.1531775
González-Ocampo, G., & Castelló, M. (2019). How do doctoral students experience supervision?. Studies in Continuing Education, 41 (3), 293-307.
Liesa, E. & Mayoral, E. (2019). Pot haver-hi innovació sense recerca? Una proposta des de les comunitats d'indagació. Revista Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, 50, 59-72.
Phyältö, K., Peltonen, J., Castelló, M. & McAlpine, L. (2019). What sustains doctoral students’ interest? Comparison of Finnish, UK and Spanish doctoral students’ perceptions. Compare: A journal of comparative and international education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2019.1585229.
Skakni, I., Calatrava Moreno, M., Corcelles, M., & McAlpine, L. (2019). Hanging tough: Post-PhD researchers dealing with career uncertainty. Journal of Higher Education Research and Development, 38 (7), 1489:1503.
González-Ocampo, G., & Castelló, M. (2018). Writing in doctoral programs: examining supervisors’ perspectives. Higher Education, 76(3), 387-401.
McAlpine, L., Pyhältö, K., & Castelló, M. (2018). Building a more robust conception of early career researcher experience: what might we be overlooking?. Studies in Continuing Education, 40(2), 149-165. DOI: 10.1080/0158037X.2017.1408582
Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2018). Writing regulation processes in higher education: a review of two decades of empirical research. Reading and Writing, 31(4), 757-777.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Peltonen, J. A., Pyhältö, K., & Castelló, M. (2018). Doctoral candidates’ research writing perceptions: A cross-national study. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 13, 327-345. https://doi.org/10.28945/4103
Álvarez, M., Elexpuru, I., Castelló, M., Villardón, L., y Yaniz, C. (2017). The “why” and “what for” of research in Social Sciences: early career researchers’ conceptions. Electronic Journal of research in Educational Psychology, 15(3), 598-623.
Bautista, A., & Castelló, M. (2017). Fostering the professional development of junior authors and reviewers in scientific journals/Contribuyendo al desarrollo profesional de autores y revisores noveles en revistas científicas. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 40(3), 383-406.
Castelló, M., Pardo, M., Sala-Bubaré, A. & Suñe, N. (2017). Why do students consider to drop out of doctoral degrees? Institutional and personal factors. Higher Education, 74(6), 1053-1068. doi:10.1007/s10734-016-0106-9
Castelló, M., McAlpine, L. & Pyhältö, K. (2017). Spanish and UK post-PhD researchers: Writing perceptions, well-being and productivity. Journal of Higher Education Research & Development, 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2017.1296412
Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Bautista, A. (2017). Being a researcher is not only a matter of publishing: learning to review scientific articles/No solo de publicar viven los investigadores: aprender a revisar artículos científicos. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 1-58.
Castelló, M., Pyhältö, K & McAlpine, L. (2017). European Cross-National Mixed-Method Study on Early Career Researcher Experience (Chapter 7; p. 143-174). In A.J. Jaeger & A. J. Dinin (Eds.), The Postdoc Landscape. The Invisible Scholars. New York: Academic Press.
Cerrato-Lara, M., Castelló, M., García-Velázquez, R. & Lonka, K. (2017). Validation of The Writing Process Questionnaire in two Hispanic populations: Spain and Mexico. Journal of Writing Research, 9(2), 151-171. https://doi.org/10.17239/jowr-2017.09.02.03
Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Liesa, E., González-Ocampo, G. & Castelló, M. (2017, in press). Positive and negative experiences related to doctoral study conditions. Higher Education Research & Development
McAlpine, L., Pyhältö, K. & Castelló, M. (2017). Building a more robust conception of early career researcher experience: What might we be overlooking? Studies in continuing education. 1-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2017.1408582
Pyhältö, K., McAlpine, L., Peltonen, J., & Castello, M. (2017). How does social support contribute to engaging post-PhD experience?. European Journal of Higher Education, 1-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21568235.2017.1348239
Sala-Bubaré, A., & Castelló, M. (2017). Exploring the relationship between doctoral students’ experiences and research community positioning. Studies in Continuing Education, 39 (1), 16-34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2016.1216832
Bañales, G., Castelló, M. & Vega, N. (Coords.). (2016). Enseñar a leer y escribir en la educación superior. Propuestas educativas basadas en la investigación. Serie: Lenguaje, Educación e Innovación (LEI). Ediciones SM/CeIDEA/U.A.T, Mèxico
Castelló, M. (2016). Escribir artículos de investigación. Aprender a desarrollar la voz y la identidad del investigador novel. En G. Bañales, M. Castelló & N. Vega (Coords.). (2016). Enseñar a leer y escribir en la educación superior. Propuestas educativas basadas en la investigación (pp. 209-232). Serie: Lenguaje, Educación e Innovación (LEI). Ediciones SM/CeIDEA/U.A.T, Mèxico
Corcelles, M., Castelló, M. & Mayoral, P. (2016). El desarrollo de la voz del escritor: argumentar en los estudios de postgrado. En Inmaculada Ballano, Itziar Muñoz (coords.). La escritura académica en las universidades españolas. Bilbao: Deusto digital
Gallego, L., Castelló, M., & Badia, A. (2016). Faculty identity through spheres of teaching and research activity and associated genres. Higher Education Research & Development, 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2016.1263828
Gallego, L., Castelló, M. & Badia, T. (2016). Faculty feelings as writers: Relationship with writing genres, perceived competences and values associated to writing. Higher Education. 71(5), 719-734.
Martínez-Fernández, J.R.; Corcelles, M.; Bañales, G.; Castelló, M. & Gutiérrez Braojos, C. (2016). Exploring conceptions about writing and learning: undergraduates´ patterns of beliefs and the quality of academic writing. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 14(1), 107-130; DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14204/ejrep.38.15045
Pardo, M., & Castelló, M. (2016). Teaching writing for learning at university: a proposal based on collaborative review/Enseñar a escribir para aprender en la universidad: una propuesta basada en la revisión colaborativa. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 39(3), 560-591.
Cano, M. & Castelló, M. (2015). Evolución del discurso argumentativo ante diferentes demanda de escritura. Infancia y Aprendizaje (Special Issue on Argumentation). DOI: 10.1080/02103702.2015.1111604
Castelló, M. (2015) (Coord.). Writing at University. Analyzing Faculty’s and Students’ Conceptions, Ideas and Beliefs. Special Issue / Escribir en la Universidad. Análisis de las concepciones, ideas y creencias de estudiantes y profesores. Monográfico. Cultura y Educación, 27: 3, 456-476. DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2015.1072362. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/11356405.2015.1072362
Castelló, M. & Mateos, M. (2015). Faculty and student representations of academic writing at Spanish universities / Las representaciones de profesores y estudiantes sobre la escritura académica en las universidades españolas. Cultura y Educación, 27: 3, 477-503. DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2015.1072357. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/11356405.2015.1072357
Castelló, M.; McAlpine, L.; Pyhältö, K. (2015). Trends influencing researcher education and careers: What do we know, need to know and do in looking forward (Special Issue). Frontline Learning Research, Vol.3, No. 4,15-18.
Castelló, M., Kobayashi, S., McGinn, M. K., Pechar, H., Vekkaila, J. & Wisker G. (2015). Researcher Identity in Transition: Signals to Identify and Manage Spheres of Activity in a Risk-Career. Frontline Learning Research (Special Issue), Vol.3 No. 4, 19 – 34.
Corcelles, M., Oliva, A., Castelló, M. & Milian, M. (2015). Writing at university: are we on the same page? / Escribir en la universidad: ¿nos entendemos?. Cultura y Educación, 27:3, 534-568, DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2015.1072359
Corcelles, M. & Castelló, M. (2015). Learning to think philosophically trough collaborative writing in secondary education. Jounal of Writing Research , 7 (1), 157-200. http://dx.doi.org/ 2010.17239/jowr-2015.07.01.07
Mayoral, P. i Castelló, M. (2015). Profesorado novel y feedback del tutor. Un estudio de casos. Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 19(1), 346-362. Disponible a http://www.ugr.es/~recfpro/rev191COL4.pdf
Conferences & workshops
Mayoral, P., & Cano, M. (2019). El profesor como indagador: una propuesta en el prácticum de magisterio. XV Symposium Internacional sobre el Prácticum y las Prácticas Externas. Presente y retos de futuro. Poio 2019. Pontevedra. (España).
Mayoral, P., Liesa,E., Becerril, L. & Badia, A. (2019). Student-teachers’ perceptions of a proposal to develop their identities as inquirers. 3rd EuroSoTL conference, June 13-14 2019, Bilbao, Basque Country-Spain
Giralt M, Liesa E & Castelló M (2019). Teacher’s professional identity as inquirer's: The voice of teacher educators. 3rd EuroSoTL conference, June 13-14 2019, Bilbao, Basque Country-Spain.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Skakni, I., Inouye, K., Weise, C.,& McAlpine, L. (2019) Early Career Researchers' Meaning-Making of Research Experiences: A Cross-Role Analysis Using Cross-National Data. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada), Abril 2019.
Sala-Bubaré, A. & Castelló, M.(2019). "It's Like Having Lots of Bricks": Doctoral Students' Research Perceptions and Writing Development. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada), Abril 2019.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Skakni, I., Inouye, K., Weise, C., & McAlpine, L. (2019). Early career researchers’ meaning-making of research experiences: a Cross-role análisis using cross-national data. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada), Abril 2019.
McAlpine, L., & Castelló, M. (2019). Findings and Reflections From a Cross-National, Cross-Role (PhD, Post-PhD Researchers) Research Program: Possibilities and Challenges. Symposium. AERA 2019 Conference. Toronto (Canada), Abril 2019.
Castelló, M., & McAlpine. (2018). Examining ‘research’ genres: Developing paths to success. Symposium. 16th EARLI Sig-Writing Conference. Antwerp, Netherlands, August, 2018
Castelló, M., Petric, B., & Donahue, C. (2018). Thesis supervision and students’ academic literacy practices: Insights from qualitative research. 16th EARLI Sig-Writing Conference, Antwerp, Netherlands, August.
Castelló, M., & Petric, B. (2018). Exploring dissertation/thesis writing from the students’ perspective: The ‘what’, the ‘how’, and the ‘why’. The Literacy Summit. Porto, Portugal, November.
Castelló, M. (2018). The International Researchers Consortium: proposal for workshop at the European Literacy Network’s 1st Literacy Summit 2018. The Literacy Summit. Porto, Portugal, November,
Sala-Bubaré, A., Castelló, M., Corcelles, M., & Oliva, A. (2018). Making meaning of doctoral students’writing challenges and their impact on conceptions, processes and texts. 1st Literacy Summit. Practice x science x technology. Porto (Portugal), Octubre 2018.
Sala-Bubaré, A. (2018). Peer review. EARLI SIG REaC meeting: Unpacking and exploring researcher communication: implications for inquiry into ECR experience. Copenhagen (Dinamarca), Setembre 2018.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Pardo, M., & Castelló, M. (2018) Post-docs’ approaches to writing: Relationship between conceptions, experiences and networks. EARLI SIG Writing 2018 conference. Antwerp (Bèlgica), August 2018.
Castelló, M., Brew, A., Boud, D., Van der weijden, I., Holley, K.. (2017). What do we know about academic work today. Invited symposium at 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Education in the crossroads of economy and politics. Role of research in the advancement of public good. Tampere, Finland.
Castelló, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., & Pardo, M. (2017). Post-PhD researchers' writer identity development: Relationship between conceptions and experiences. Paper presented at 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Education in the crossroads of economy and politics. Role of research in the advancement of public good. Tampere, Finland.
Liesa, E.; Badia, T. & Monereo, C (2017). Early researchers' identity positions based on significant events in research. Paper presented at 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Education in the crossroads of economy and politics. Role of research in the advancement of public good. Tampere, Finland.
Liesa, E.; Corcelles, M.; Cano, M.; González, G. & Castelló, M. (2018). What are the most positive and negative events in the doctoral journey? Paper presented at 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Education in the crossroads of economy and politics. Role of research in the advancement of public good. Tampere, Finland.
Sala-Bubaré, A. & Castelló, A. (2017) Doctoral students' regulation episodes when writing the first scientific article. Writing Research Across the Borders Conference WRAB IV. Bogotá, Colombia.
Sala-Bubaré, A., Castelló, M., & Rijlaarsdam, G. (2017). Doctoral students' writing regulation processes. Paper presented at 17th Biennial European Association for Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Education in the crossroads of economy and politics. Role of research in the advancement of public good. Tampere, Finland.
Suñé-Soler, N., Monereo, C. & Castelló, M. (2017). Doctoral Support Networks: Characteristics and relationships with research conditions. Paper presented at JURE, 27-28th August, Tampere, Finland.
Suñé-Soler, N. & Monereo, C. (2017). REDES-id: Una aplicación web para explorar y fomentar el desarrollo de la Identidad Investigadora. Poster presented at III ISCAR Ibérico, 11-13th May, Sevilla, Spain.
Suñé-Soler, N. (2017). REDES-id: Una aplicación web para explorar y fomentar el desarrollo de la Identidad Investigadora. Poster presented at 5th Jornada Investigadors Predoctorals Interdisciplinària –JIPI, February 9th, 2017, University of Barcelona, Catalonia.
Álvarez, M., Castelló, M., Elexpuru, I., Villardón, L., y Yaniz, C. (2016, June). Why research is performed and what is it for in Social Sciences? Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Badia, T., Liesa, E., & Monereo, C. (2016, June). Identity positions and trajectories of ECR based on significant events. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Becerril, L., Mayoral, P. & Vall, B. (2016, June). Significant events and skills development in the first year of PhD doctoral students. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Calatrava, M., Corcelles, M., Skakni, I. y McAlpine, L. (2016, June). Networks and communities of post-doctoral researchers. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Castelló, M. (2016, July). The study of identity and voice through the use of mixed-methods. Invited talk at the Research School of SIG Writing conference (EARLI), Liverpool, UK.
Castelló, M. (2016, August). Developing a researcher identity: PhD students' writing conceptions and research related conditions. Paper presented at the 31th International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), Yokohama, JAPAN.
Castelló, M. & Lindgren, E. (2016, July). Intervention, identity and regulation in writing. Work-shop at the Research School of SIG Writing conference (EARLI), Liverpool, UK.
Castelló, M., Pardo, M., Sala-Bubaré, A., y Suñe-Soler, N. (2016, June). Why do students drop out of doctoral degrees? Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Castelló, M., McAlpine, L., & Pyhältö, K. (2016, June). Spanish and UK post-PhD researchers: Writing perceptions, well-being and productivity. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Cerrato-Lara, M., Castelló, M., & Lonka, K. (2016, April). The Doctoral Experience from the Students Perspectives: A Systematic Review. Paper presented at the 2016 AERA Annual Meeting: Public Scholarship to Educate Diverse Democracies, Washington D.C., USA.
Corcelles, M. y Calatrava, M. (2016, June). Coding book and challenges for a joint analysis. MaxQDA (tips for an efficient use). Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Corcelles, M., Cano, M., Liesa, E., Gonzalez, G. & Castelló, M. (2016, June). Constructing academic trajectories: what are the most positive and negative significant events in the doctoral journey? Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
González, G. (2016, June). Scientific journals and the peer-review process: Beliefs, strategies and purposes of experienced reviewers versus novice reviewers. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
McAlpine, Pyhältö y Castelló (2016, June). The potential of a mixed methods and multi-mode approach. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Oliva-Girbau, A., Corcelles, M. y Castelló, M. (2016). Struggling for their own voice: what conflicts do postgraduate students face in argumentative writing? Paper presented at the SIG Writing Conference 2016, Liverpool Hope University, UK.
Pyhältö, K., Castelló, M., & McAlpine, L. (2016, June). Post PhD reseachers' social support profiles. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Sala, A., Suñé-Soler, N., Pardo, M., & Castelló, M. (2016, July). Writing in the doctorate and beyond: Early Career Researchers’ conceptions and relationship with practices and research-related conditons. Paper presented at the SIG Writing Conference 2016, Liverpool Hope University, UK.
Suñé-Soler, N. (2016, June). Critical incidents during the doctoral journey. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Suñé-Soler, N. (2016). REDES-Id questionnaire. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Weise, C., Aguayo, M., & Casanova, M. (2016, June). Starting a PhD: significant events and associated feelings. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Aguayo, M., Gallego, L. & Castelló, M. (2015, June). University Teachers’ emotional regulation when facing critical incidents. Paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Devolpment, San Sebastian, SPAIN.
Badia, A., Liesa, E. & Mayoral, P. (2015, June). PhD students and postdocs significant events: A qualitative analysis. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Blanch, S. & Corcelles, M. (2015, June). Teacher training course in critical incidents through peer learning to reflect about university teachers’ identity. Changing faculty identity through a formation based on the analysis of critical incidents. Paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, San Sebastián.
Castelló, M. (2015, June). FINS-RIDSS, Researcher’s Identity Development in Social Sciences. Innaugural conference at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Barcelona, Universidad Ramon Llull.
Castelló, M. (2015, July). Quién, cómo y para qué se investiga: Concepciones y sentimientos de investigadores noveles. Paper presented in Monereo, C. (coordinator) Identidad, concepciones y prácticas docentes. Symposium condicted at Congreso Interamericano de psicología, Lima, Perú.
Castelló, M. (2015, August). Discussant in the Symposium: Problematizing Research Degrees. Chair: Margaret Kiley. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Castelló, M. (2015, October) Why is it so difficult to write an article? Or how to deal with contradictions in developing an identity as researchers and academic writers. Invited conference at Oxford Learning Institute, UK.
Castelló, M., Kobayashi, S., McGinn, M., Pechar, H., Vekkaila, J., & Wisker, G. (2015, August). Researcher identity in transition: Signals to identify and manage spheres of activity in a risk career. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Castelló, M., Pyhältö, K., & McAlpine, L. (2015). Post-doc experiences related to writing and well-being. Paper presented at SRHE Annual Research Conference 'Converging Concepts in Global Higher Education Research: Local, national and international perspectives', Newport, UK.
Castelló, M., Wisker, G. & Kobayaski, S. (2015, August). Researcher identity in transition: Signals to identify and manage spheres of activity in a risk career. Paper included in the Invited Symposium of SIG24 Researchers Education and Careers. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Cerrato, M., Castelló, M. & Lonka, K. (2015, August). Phd Students' Perspectives On Academic Writing. Towards A Reflective Society. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction. Limassol, Cyprus.
Cornér, S., Pyhältö, K., y Löfström, E (2015, August). Supervisors’ perceptions of primary resources and challenges on the doctoral journey. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Keefer, J. M., Bengsten, S., Andres, L., Crossouard, B., Gallego, L., y Pyhältö, K. (2015, August). Global Drivers of Doctoral Education. Paper included in the Invited Symposium of SIG24 Researchers Education and Careers. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Liesa, E. (2015, June). Coordinación invitada del Simposio Changing faculty identity through a formation based on the analysis of critical incidents. 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, San Sebastián, Spain.
Liesa, E. & Mayoral, P. (2015). Analysis of critical incidents and coping strategies in university teachers as a training method. Paper presented at the 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development, San Sebastián, Spain.
Lonka, K. (2015). PhD students’ writing profiles, experienced well-being and perceptions of the learning environment. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
McAlpine (2015, June). Research background. Doctoral trajectories and identities development. Invited talk at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Universidad de Blanquerna, Barcelona.
Monereo, C. (2015, July). La identidad profesional del docente como unidad de análisis y de intervención psicoeducativa. Invited conference at the XXXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Lima, Peru.
Monereo, C. (2015, July). Symposia coordinator: Identidad, concepciones epistemológivas y prácticas educativas at the XXXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Psicología, Lima, Peru.
Pardo, M. & Castelló, M. (2015, August). Teaching writing to learn in Higher Education. Paper communication. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Pardo, M. & Castelló, M. (2015). Teaching writing to learn in Higher Education. Paper communication at the JURE Pre-Conference (EARLI), Limassol, Cyprus.
Pyhältö, K., McAlpine, L. & Castelló, M. (2015, August). Invited Symposium organizers: “Trends influencing researcher education and careers” at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction. Limassol, Cyprus.
Pyhältö, K. (2015, June). Research background. Doctoral well-being and current data from FINS-RIDSS. Invited talk at the International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Universidad de Blanquerna, Barcelona.
Sakurai, Y. & Pyhältö, K. (2015, August). Domestic and international students’ emotional engagement in, and motivation for, doctoral studies. Paper communication at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Sakurai, Y., Lokhtina, I., Herman, C., Boeren, E., & McAlpine (2015, August). Mentoring: a review of early career researcher studies. Paper included in the Invited Symposium of SIG24 Researchers Education and Careers. 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Sala, A. & Castelló, M. (2015). Relevant experiences and socialization in the community in the doctoral journey. Paper communication at the JURE pre-conference of the EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction “Towards a Reflective Society: Sinergies between learning, teaching and research” , Limassol, Cyprus.
Sala, A., Suñé-Soler, N. Castelló, M. y Badia, A. (2015, June). The questionnaire FINS-RIDSS. Spanish & (some) English data. Invited talk. Paper presented at the Annual International Seminar for the project ‘Researcher Identity Development in the Social Sciencies’, Universidad Ramon Llull, Barcelona.
Virtanen, V. & Pyhältö, K. (2015). Function of social support in engaging and disengaging postdoctoral experience in natural sciences. Paper communication at the 16th Biennial EARLI Conference for Reserach on Learning and Instruction, Limassol, Cyprus.
Weise, C. & Alvarez, I. (2015, June). Changing university teacher’s identity: training based on dramatized incidents. Paper presentation in invited symposia: Changing faculty identity through a formation based on the analysis of critical incidents at the 3rd International Congress of Educational Sciences and Devolpment, San Sebastian, Spain.